Investor Information
Commercialisation Group works with and co-invests with qualified 708 investors, Family Offices, and Institutional Investors. Commercialisation Group is an Corporate Authorised Representative of Southmore Capital Pty Ltd. AFSL No. 298 313.
Investment Opportunities with Innovyz
Commercialisation Group invites such qualified investors to contact them if they would like more information regarding early stage investing into innovation technologies within the advanced manufacturing and advance materials sectors.
We partner with universities and research groups and regularly co-invest and share equity in newly founded startups based on research from these institutions.
Below is a typical example of a Commercialisation Group portfolio approach to investing into university and research based organisation technologies.
There are 5 main stages to this type of investment

Please note that Commercialisation Group has been recognised by the Federal Government (ATO) as being eligible for a 50 points ESIC exemption. This results in most of the created entities within their portfolios being eligible to qualify for ESIC status. ESIC status enables the investor to claim a tax offset (deduction) of 20% of their invested money in that first financial year. In addition all capital gains for the first 10 years for qualifying ESIC investments will be tax free. For more information on qualifying ESIC investments please follow the link to the ATO below.
Diagram of Convertible Note investment process
Interested investors should contact Stuart Douglas below